• Mossberg Owners is in the process of upgrading the software. Please bear with us while we transition to the new look and new upgraded software.

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  • meanstreak
    meanstreak reacted to CaddmannQ's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    Wow! I hope you didn't get hit, Meanie. Good morning here guys. Not so sure about the heartlands… My last friend from highschool...
  • Husker88
    Husker88 reacted to CaddmannQ's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    Wow! I hope you didn't get hit, Meanie. Good morning here guys. Not so sure about the heartlands… My last friend from highschool...
  • Husker88
    Husker88 reacted to Bobster's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    About the closest I've come to seeing a tornado were waterspouts off the coast of Miami. Everyone just standing around watching them...
  • Husker88
    Husker88 reacted to meanstreak's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    Husker, I was the manager of the Big Boy restaurant located at 82nd and Center that day . I watched as it tore through the Wentworth...
  • Husker88
    Husker88 reacted to CaddmannQ's post in the thread Magazine Extensions with Like Like.
    Residue wipes off with solvent. In any case, where I must use my home defense device, the last thing I will worry about is residue on...
  • CaddmannQ
    CaddmannQ reacted to Bobster's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    About the closest I've come to seeing a tornado were waterspouts off the coast of Miami. Everyone just standing around watching them...
  • Bobster
    Bobster replied to the thread Good morning.
    About the closest I've come to seeing a tornado were waterspouts off the coast of Miami. Everyone just standing around watching them...
  • Bobster
    Bobster reacted to meanstreak's post in the thread Good morning with Wow Wow.
    Sitting up watching the weather radar on TV.
  • Bobster
    Bobster reacted to meanstreak's post in the thread Good morning with Wow Wow.
    Husker, I was the manager of the Big Boy restaurant located at 82nd and Center that day . I watched as it tore through the Wentworth...
  • CaddmannQ
    CaddmannQ reacted to meanstreak's post in the thread Good morning with Wow Wow.
    Sitting up watching the weather radar on TV.
  • CaddmannQ
    CaddmannQ reacted to meanstreak's post in the thread Good morning with Wow Wow.
    Husker, I was the manager of the Big Boy restaurant located at 82nd and Center that day . I watched as it tore through the Wentworth...
  • CaddmannQ
    CaddmannQ replied to the thread Good morning.
    Wow! I hope you didn't get hit, Meanie. Good morning here guys. Not so sure about the heartlands… My last friend from highschool...
  • meanstreak
    meanstreak replied to the thread Good morning.
    Sitting up watching the weather radar on TV.
    • 1BCBA55B-BEB5-4416-923C-669B96591B2B.jpeg
  • meanstreak
    meanstreak replied to the thread Good morning.
    Husker, I was the manager of the Big Boy restaurant located at 82nd and Center that day . I watched as it tore through the Wentworth...
  • meanstreak
    meanstreak reacted to CaddmannQ's post in the thread Good morning with Like Like.
    Another day, another 7 spammers axed. No new members…