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Uncommon Sense

John A.

Unconstitutional laws are not laws.
Staff member
Global Moderator
Uncommon Sense.

In recent months, I have heard many people say that the United States needs "common sense gun control regulation".

Thankfully, our Founding Fathers realized that we were endowed by our Creator to have the ability to be armed against our aggressors. Whether that is man or beast.

God has never once told his children to be submissive to anyone that would cause them harm. Furthermore history is full of instances where that was proven time and time again.

In that, means man (or Government or essentially everyone is subordinate to God) should not; can not, take something away that they never "gave them" to begin with.

We don't need "common sense gun control laws", we need politicians that have common sense and which respects a higher authority above themselves. Sadly, I believe most of our elected officials are not of the former.

Or the latter.

There will always be someone willing to cause harm to others. It has always been that way since the beginning of time, even between the brothers Cain, and Able and will be that way long after we are dead and gone. That is intertwined in human nature anyone that would succomb to obeying the wrong master.

I would also like to acknowlege those that are willing to try to help and protect those who can not, or perhaps, simply will not protect themselves.

I am not just speaking of our Military, our Law Enforcement or veterans as such, which I am truly thankful for, but I am also speaking of the older gentlemen that lives down the street from you that does see this world for the place it is. The single mother who is trying to raise her children right and protect them.
I am sad to say it, but Americans in general have been spoiled with the illusion of safety.

Newsflash: the world is a dangerous place. And no one is safe from different ideologies that contradict yours, and from those that are evil and would like nothing more than to kill you and stop your blood line from expanding.

You may go on with your lives believing everything is fine, but there are those out there that have declared war on you and will kill you if they get the chance, whether you like it, or whether you don't. Whether you prepare for it, or whether you don't. They are.

There are simple minds out there that believe banning guns will stop violence, but those "emotional responses" are not based on reality. Murder is already illegal. But murderers or terrorists don't care about laws. If they are determined to kill you, they're going to try regardless of the means to accomplish their goals.

Those gun control laws they speak of only prevent people from being able to protect themselves and only affect those were never inclined to hurt you anyway and in as much, makes ourselves, our homes, our communities, and our country WEAKER and more vulnerable to those who wish to harm us.

And there is some "uncommon sense".

John A.