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2016 rigging the election-undercover video

Regarding election rigging: most people hear the words computer programming and their brain turns sideways because they've never done any. Now some computer codes are cutting edge serious science, and some computer code is not.

Some computer code is very simple and anyone logical by nature can write it with a small amount of training.

It doesn't take much of a program to count the votes. I mean face it folks, it was done by simple mechanical process in the past.

Anybody with a pencil and paper can do it & no equipment is required at all except a box and some honest people who can count.

But we've turned it into a business that can be hacked without detection and the hacking can delete itself.

Now this always could theoretically be detected, but in practice it's nearly impossible without very special knowledge, software, and most importantly time and access.

Well there sure as hell not going to give us access, & there's no way to be sure that electronic hacking won't promote the vote (in either direction.)
My personal belief, digital or electronic polling should cease entirely. It's too easy to manipulate, just as the examples and descriptions in this topic.

If they say that it takes too long to count the votes manually by hand, remember, there is almost a 3 month period between the swearing in after election.

If that still isn't enough time, push the date back as necessary. This isn't brain surgery.

Paper ballots on the other hand, can't appear and disappear into thin air from whence it came. At least not without damn good explanation and proof. They're physical, they can be checked for authenticity, and I am 100% in support of having voter id cards.

I don't know of a single place in the USA that does not require that an ID card be issued, even if there is no drivers license. If such a place exists (maybe sanctuary cities) they should not be allowed to exist.

And if there is such a place, void/discredit every vote that comes from that place until they can verify with 100% certainty that the votes are true and correct.

No ID, no vote. It's really that simple. Federal government wastes more money on studying the sex habits of snails than it would to issue any CITIZEN without a drivers license an ID card that has a valid social security number.

No voter id, no vote. Mandantory for everyone, they can't say minorities are being suppressed if it's required of everyone, and that solution would pass constitutional muster.
In today's modern world there is no valid excuse for not having an ID card.

US Ballots should be in English. If I moved somewhere else I would not expect them to accommodate my native language, it's my responsibility to learn theirs.

Ballots should be tallied and cross tallied in every way possible to try and eliminate fraud as much as possible. (I know nothing is 100%) After the elections an independent group (i.e. different then the people tallying the machine totals) need to physically count the ballots and confirm that the numbers match the electronically tallied totals. There should be time to do this between the time the polls close and the time the winner takes office. Heck how many times did they count them for the Bush/Gore election.

No results should be broadcast until ALL polls close. And it should be based on actual polling data NOT exit polls or any other hypothetical data.

Many want web based voting instituted. I am very much against this as it doesn't just open the door to more fraud it vaporizes it and everything within a 5 mile radius with a WMD.
I've seen twice now where feeds to reporters were lost as soon as they started referring to Wikileaks or anti Clinton material.

The way the MSM is ignoring/suppressing all of it makes me feel like I'm living in N. Korea.
And in other news, Hillary is full of shit.

Or at least she used to be.

These poor men who have to go in behind her and clean her shit up.

More from wikileaks today. Dump 13


From:Tina@presidentclinton.com To: robbymook2015@gmail.com, jennifer.m.palmieri@gmail.com, john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015-03-13 16:25 Subject: WJC's travel/speeches
FYI. It is our standard practice to be in touch with Dan and/or Jake re: WJC's speeches/foreign travel/meetings. That's been our practice for quite some time to ensure that we not out of line with HRC. We are also always in touch with the NSC/WH/State where appropriate. Additionally, Huma gets our block and as some of you know (and participate in) participates in a weekly call with me, Maura and Bari. Let me know, however, if these processes don't work or if you have any questions re: WJC. Thanks
These are people that want to change our way of life. They want to have the power to control our every move, and to do that they must first get their people in charge, then take away our firearms. It is obvious these folks will go to any means to get what they want, full and complete control of this great country.

The Clintons are smart and conniving. They are powerful, greedy, and self serving. I am going to do my small part to try to keep them from returning to the white house. My absentee ballot is filled out and ready to mail.
I did absentee during the primary (err, caucus), but I'll be standing in line at the polls on Nov 8th because I'm not going to miss the festivities.