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gun lubricants

I have been using Weapon Shield on all of my firearms for over a year now, with great results.

You can get a sample of the product by contacting George at Weapon Shield.

boomer :cool:
Any Marvel Mystery Oil fans here?

I mix a quart in with each oil change on the Jeep and ad 4oz to every 10gal of gas, but haven't tried it for any of my firearms yet...

I been using it for years in my vehicles great stuff :D

What about Brake Free CLP or Shooters Choice? I guess at some point it becomes like chocolate or vanilla.

Happy New Year,
Headhunter said:
Does anyone on that side of the pond use WD-40? I must admit that on both my Mossbergs [500 and 590] I tend to clean them off using WD-40 on a patch and then give them a wipe over [spraying a little into the trigger action], and that's it. Some of the other websites that I have looked at over the years seem to be keen on Breakfree CLP and the like, and regard WD-40 with varying degrees of horror. Maybe it's a European thing [I'm in the UK]?

WD 40 is flammable.
A friend of mine in the Canadian military found a bottle of CLP laying around and hooked me up.

I love it, breaks down carbon, penetrates metal. Wipe off to leave a nice film.

My only issue is that I've seen many brands offer "CLP". The only one I've seen offered in large quantity is G96 brand.

Does anyone have any insight on which one is the real deal? Or closest thing to it...