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My Letter to My Senators, Congressman, Governor, etc

Water Monkey

The man, the myth, the monkey
Dear Senator xxxx,

Based on recent articles I have been reading I am becoming aware that the US Senate is poised to propose legislation on further gun control in USA.

Sir, based on my knowledge the previous "Assault Weapons Ban" enacted in September 1994 did not yield any data which showed that it had any impact on deterring crime or in effect gun violence for that matter. That is precisely the reason why this law was allowed to sunset in 2004.

I, along with other law abiding responsible firearm owners, am completely dismayed and heart broken by the events that occurred in Newtown, CT. Many of us owners have children of our own and can not imagine such tragedy to so many families.

However, the news media and current sentiment going on right now is promulgating such false information with regards to gun ownership it has risen to the level of fraudulent reporting in my opinion.

An evil human being caused this event. A criminal in every sense of the word who bypassed all existing laws currently enacted to commit his malicious and heinous act upon innocent individuals.

No laws, Mr. Senator, enacted now or later on will stop criminals like himself from performing such evil when they, themselves, no longer care for their own life and are willing to die for an evil cause such as the one that just occurred.

The word I hear from our legislature is that they are considering to make certain rifles illegal. Explain to me based on my preceding paragraphs how this will stop someone like this? Explain to me how making this law will not make thousands if not tens of thousands of law abiding firearm owners instant felons for no reason at all?

This Sir is INFRINGEMENT in every definition of the word. If this law is even considered it is a direct and material violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America to which you have solemnly swore to uphold as a representative of the people of New York State.

I oppose any legislation in regards to this and will do all in my power legally to oppose this as well.

A Responsible Citizen,
I am so sorry that you had to write that letter.

But I am glad you did.
Water Monkey said:
Dear Senator xxxx,

Based on recent articles I have been reading I am becoming aware that the US Senate is poised to propose legislation on further gun control in USA.

Sir, based on my knowledge the previous "Assault Weapons Ban" enacted in September 1994 did not yield any data which showed that it had any impact on deterring crime or in effect gun violence for that matter. That is precisely the reason why this law was allowed to sunset in 2004.

I, along with other law abiding responsible firearm owners, am completely dismayed and heart broken by the events that occurred in Newtown, CT. Many of us owners have children of our own and can not imagine such tragedy to so many families.

However, the news media and current sentiment going on right now is promulgating such false information with regards to gun ownership it has risen to the level of fraudulent reporting in my opinion.

An evil human being caused this event. A criminal in every sense of the word who bypassed all existing laws currently enacted to commit his malicious and heinous act upon innocent individuals.

No laws, Mr. Senator, enacted now or later on will stop criminals like himself from performing such evil when they, themselves, no longer care for their own life and are willing to die for an evil cause such as the one that just occurred.

The word I hear from our legislature is that they are considering to make certain rifles illegal. Explain to me based on my preceding paragraphs how this will stop someone like this? Explain to me how making this law will not make thousands if not tens of thousands of law abiding firearm owners instant felons for no reason at all?

This Sir is INFRINGEMENT in every definition of the word. If this law is even considered it is a direct and material violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America to which you have solemnly swore to uphold as a representative of the people of New York State.

I oppose any legislation in regards to this and will do all in my power legally to oppose this as well.

A Responsible Citizen,

well said. with your permission i would like to send this to my ny congressmen hon. peter king.
Very well written WM. I will be writing to mine too and may use it too.
I just sent letters to mine but being the all of my reps in DC are liberal to the core, I doubt it will sway them.
Great writting. I'll be sending this out as well.