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Political Atmosphere

John A.

Unconstitutional laws are not laws.
Staff member
Global Moderator
I have been seeing a large increase in public outrage in the last several years about our representation (or lack thereof) in our state and federal governments elected officials who are trying to limit or abolish our God given rights and push our country to the brink of destruction as we know it. Not just our rights, but our currency, economy, and seemingly everything that once made us great.

I just wanted to share a few of those journalistic pieces to document the political atmosphere in these trying times in our Republic that are shocking, and even 10, or 20, or 30 years ago, would've been absurd.

Never in my lifetime have I heard such fiery talk against those in charge of our country? And of the possible outcome and effects of what they are doing with such disregard to the free men and women and children of this country, who make this country.

OK, maybe the term I used "those in charge of our country" incorrectly, since WE are in charge of our own destiny. Sadly, what I think many elected officials believe that we must obey their laws, but in reality, we do so on our own free will, but we will not willingly become subjects.

I have a hard time believing that those officials are not beginning to see the effects of their efforts.

Or do they want it?


By Clash Daily / 10 January 2013

By Kevin Fobbs
Clash Daily Guest Contributor

The Second War of Independence is Declared

There is a sickening aroma in the air that is beginning to permeate the very soul of independent, freedom embracing Americans. It began to originate long before the shooting at Aurora, Colorado, or recently in Newtown, Connecticut. Its rancid fragrance seeps into the fabric of the U.S. Constitution and is emitted by the control terrorists who manipulate the facts and perceptions of Americans who watch the news. These purveyors of stricter gun control measures seek to erode your defenses so that in your weakened state you will accept their sweet smelling tyranny.

The nation that was represented as a symbolic shining city on a hill that President Ronald Reagan spoke about over 30 years ago, is now becoming a broken mud hole of shattered dreams. America’s morning that has dawned over the nation is now bearing witness to the shredding of constitutional protections which have safe guarded families since the infancy of the republic. Obama has given the order to Vice President Biden: full steam ahead to obliterate gun rights to your town. You and your family are the targets and what will you do?

The reaction by gun owners and even prospective gun owners to Obama’s desperate zeal is to hurry up and buy up all the potential guns and now-legal weapons that might be taken by edict or by force by the government. That may be a solution, but it is only a temporary one.

Once the federal government has quenched its thirst on stripping away gun rights, it will not hesitate to take the next step to criminalize actual possession of banned weapons!

Then what will you do? What is the response to a government that embraces tyrannical rule over the constitutional guarantees and protections contained within the U.S. Constitution? What are you, the father, the mother, the son or the daughter prepared to do when, the government official, acting on direct orders from a new commission set up by President Obama to confiscate your guns, knocks at your door?

Where are the defenders of the U.S. Constitution who are elected in Congress? Are you absolutely certain they will not give in, and knuckle under Obama’s determination which is aided by the mainstream media talking heads? Remember these are the same talking heads that avoided Obama’s dismissive behavior in not enforcing congressional legislation. This is the same mainstream media that buried the White House Benghazi murder cover up as if it never happened. Think about your choices when seeking to rely upon the fourth estate which is has been rendered a useless patsy for the Obama administration.

Now, do you really believe that once your guns are banned, and the weapons that were grandfathered, will not be taken in the second round of gun control legislation?

The War for Independence initially began with a flurry of gunshots which rang out in Boston on March 5, 1770, and there Americans drew the line in the sand against British imperialism and tyranny. The first to die, Crispus Attucks, a Blackman, and the 20 others with him had sticks and clubs, and the British soldiers had guns. Obviously sticks and clubs were not match, then nor are they now.

John Hancock, one of the nation’s founding father spoke of that legendary heroic moment, by urging, “for a well-regulated militia of the whole people who would fight “for their liberty, and for themselves, and for their God.”

Unfortunately, for the tragic victims of Newtown, Connecticut, the government in Washington, has decided to disarm its citizens by using the very laws that Hancock and other founding fathers fought so desperately for. Instead, Obama, Biden and gun control mayors like New York City’s Michael Bloomberg, continuously assault the U.S. Constitutional Second Amendment rights. They work to manipulate this tragedy to lead a sustained assault on freedom of defense against tyranny.

The goal of the gun control activists is clear. They use their partnership with the mainstream media to paint a portrait of tragedy across the television screens of America’s living rooms and blame guns as the cause. They seek to nurture, cajole, neutralize or tempt Americans with the notion that guns created the havoc, and misery and tragedy that befell the victims.

The victimizers who pulled the trigger and who designed the loathsome events are never held to account for any responsibility in perpetrating the heinous deeds. The incredulousness of this rationale defines logic. Taken to a logical conclusion, you would have to think the gun trigger actually forced the assassins to pick up the weapon and pull the trigger.

America, if you fall victim to this criminalization of your own legal rights, then the forces of Obama and his socialist tyranny have already won half of the battle.

These next few weeks, should not just be a wait-and-see-what-will-happen-in-Washington-D.C. interval. This has to be a time where you, the defender of your house, your home, your castle, embrace the belief that true representation begins in your home, not in Washington, D.C.

Each American must first determine for yourself, that you are ready to speak to your neighbor, your family member, your co-worker, or your friend, and ask, “What are you prepared to do, to hold your congressman or woman responsible?”

The congress cannot pass a law unless both houses pass the legislation to begin stripping your rights and the President signs it. If Obama tries to use an executive order to do it, then demand it be overridden and demonstrate until it is overridden!

The Second War of Independence is not when you begin to see the Obama gun control brigade at your door, it begins when you decide to do nothing, and just let it happen.

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/01/the-secon ... z2Hs6VFaxY
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What you’ll see in the rebellion

Written By: Bob - Dec• 28•12

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.

Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.

Unnamed citizens and federal agents will be the first to die, and they will die by the dozens and maybe hundreds, but famous politicians will soon join them in a spate of revenge killings, many of which will go unsolved.

Ironically, while the gun grab was intended to keep citizens from preserving their liberties with medium-powered weapons, it completely ignored the longer-ranged rifles perfect for shooting at ranges far beyond what a security detail can protect, and suppressed .22LR weapons proven deadly in urban sniping in Europe and Asia.

While the Secret Service will be able to protect the President in the White House, he will not dare leave his gilded cage except in carefully controlled circumstances. Even then he will be forced to move like a criminal. He will never be seen outdoors in public again. Not in this country.

The 535 members of the House and Senate in both parties that allowed such a law to pass would largely be on their own; the Secret Service is too small to protect all of them and their families, the Capitol Police too unskilled, and competent private security not particularly interested in working against their own best interests at any price. The elites will be steadily whittled down, and if they can not be reached directly, the targets will become their staffers, spouses, children, and grandchildren. Grandstanding media figures loyal to the regime would die in droves, executed as enemies of the Republic.

You can expect congressional staffs to disintegrate with just a few shootings, and expect elected officials themselves to resign well before a quarter of their number are eliminated, leaving us with a boxed-in executive, his cabinet loyalists trapped in the same win, die, or flee the country circumstance, military regime loyalists, and whatever State Governors who desire to risk their necks as well.

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

Some of these defectors will be true “operators,” with the skills and background to turn ragtag militia cells into the kind of forces that decimate loyalist troops, allowing them no rest and no respite, striking them when they are away from their most potent weapons. Military vehicles are formidable, but they are thirsty beasts, in terms of fuel, ammo, time, and maintenance. Tanks and bombers are formidable only when they have gas, guns, and can be maintained. In a war without a front, logistics are incredibly easy to destroy, and mechanics and supply clerks are not particularly adept at defending themselves.

Eventually, the government will turn upon itself. The President will be captured or perhaps killed by his own protectors. A dictatorship will form in the vacuum.

If we’re lucky, the United States of America, or whatever amalgam results, will again try to rebuild. If we’re very lucky, the victors will reinstate the Constitution as the law of the land. Just as likely though, we’ll face fractious civil wars fought over issues we’ve not begun to fathom, and a much diminished state or states will result, perhaps guided by foreign interests.

It will not be pretty. There will be no “winners,” and perhaps hundreds of thousands to millions of dead.

Yet, this is the future we face if the power-mad among us are not soundly defeated at the ballot box before they affect more “change” than we, the People, are willing to surrender to would-be tyrants.

[author's note: This article is just one of an evolving series of posts reacting to current events that many are interpreting as possible threats to our Republic and the Constitution.

Something funny happened on the way to tyranny

Written By: Bob - Dec• 31•12

I dropped my car off this morning at my mechanic’s, as the clutch appeared to be on its last legs. Being a beautiful morning in the mid-40s, I decided to walk home, and soak in some of the small-town downtown ambiance along the way. The sleepy antique stores were not seeing much business, and I nodded to the painting crew who was outlining the wooden window frames of the bakery in brilliant blue paint as I passed by.

Most of the downtown shops, in fact, weren’t doing much business except the two gun stores. I’d been in one several days ago to pick a .22LR for an article I’d be writing for Shooting Illustrated, and decided to stop in at the other to see what the current political environment had left behind.

There were no less than six clerks working feverishly with the dozen or so customers, so I simply stepped to the side and walked the aisles. The cases of ammunition that typically lined the far wall were picked to pieces. There was a 100-round case of .50 BMG, and cases of European shotshells suitable for small game. The .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, 7.62×39, 7.62 NATO, and 7.62x54R had sold out long ago, along with the bulk 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP.

A few pump shotguns remained along with a smattering of deer rifles, single-shots, and longer double-barreled shotguns suitable only for trap or skeet. Even the semi-automatic .22LR rifles like Ruger 10/22s were gone, along with all but one BX-25 magazine.

The customers in the shop were picking through what remained; lever-action rifles, oddball shotguns, and the smattering of name-brand centerfire pistols. One man was attempting to trade in an antique double-barrel shotgun for something more current.

I did speak to one harried clerk, briefly.

They didn’t know when they’d be getting anything back in stock, from magazines to rifles to pistols. Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand.It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands , M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants—of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.

I wonder if this is what it felt like during the time of the Powder Alarm, and fear politicians both sides of the aisle are no more speaking the same language as most Americans as Gage was unable to think like the Colonials. There is an earnestness now on both sides, and a great chance for unintended consequences.

Tread carefully.
We (you) are now so exposed to manipulation and spin, it's very difficult to decypher who's tail is wagging which dog. I fear the puppetters as I know they will keep trying to enslave me through fear and natural bias but surely against my own interests.

Sent from my SGH-I747M
Scary times indeed.

At church today I prayed for peace and that the good lord would turn hearts and ensure our elected officials will fulfill their duty to protect the constitution.

If there ever was a second civil war here it would cost the lives of at least 1 million men, women and children. I pray that day will never come and that diplomacy wins.
Same here gentlemen.

We're def seeing more of this sort of talk, and as you mentionned John, in away that was unheard of and unbelievable in the very recent past accept by maybe some very fringe extremist groups.

The reality is that articles like these are saying what many feel right now. Heck, even a few guys I know including young vets are willing to do whatever it takes to defend what they feel is bein taken by illegal action.

Whether or not we have really come to this remains to be seen, but all legal avenues afforded to us will be exhausted first. After that, who knows...
I have been seeing and hearing these things a lot of places. Many of them are the most mainstream in my life. We haven't been so divided since the 60's and although I was a kid then I think it's a lot worse now. People are scared. Here's an example:

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:
•Pride in American Exceptionalism
•Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
•Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.

Residents should also agree that being "prepared for the emergencies of life and being proficient with the American icon of Liberty -- the Rifle -- are prudent measures."

Some of the benefits of the Citadel community include a safe, well-prepared, patriotic community where children will be educated in school, not indoctrinated.

The community will be protected by a perimeter wall that will be inaccessible to "tourists." Each neighborhood within the community will have lower walls, dividing the town into defensible sections.

The website has a link to applications where prospective residents can sign up. According to Citadel, more than 200 families have completed applications, even before any land has been purchased.

While Citadel may sound wonderful to many who are reading this, the community has posted a warning on their home page:

"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."
Sounds like my kind of town!

Leaves a lot of questions though, taxes for example. How will they supply drinkin water, real replenishable water? How do they get ammunition?

These questions may be off topic here, sorry.
I have been re-reading the book Patriots about our revolution. I came to the part where Patrick Henry gave his speech which ended with him saying through clenched teeth "give me liberty or give me death". I was surprised how much of the speech would apply to conditions now with a little modification.

The writings on the current national divide are many places. Here they are from Sean Hannity:
On his Friday radio show, conservative talker and Fox News host Sean Hannity warned that the United States may fall apart if tax rates remain high.

“The states are now fighting and battling against their own federal government,” Hannity said. ”Same thing with individuals. If you live in a state like New York, New Jersey, California [or] one of these high-tax states [where] 60-plus cents of every dollar goes to taxes, you’ll say, ‘What the hell am I doing this for?’”

“A lot of people have told me that,” Hannity continued. “A lot of people are moving. … I noticed that Bobby Jindal moved to remove his state income tax. He’s not stupid. You know what’s going to happen in Louisiana? The same thing that is happening in Texas and Florida — their populations are soaring. They’re doing a lot better. State governments are fine. They’re surviving. They don’t have the property taxes they do in New York, which is obscene. In New York, you just pay and pay and pay and pay.”

States with lower taxes may soon decide they want to stop shouldering the burden of states with higher taxes, Hannity warned.

“People that are fed up with a power hungry, radicalized, abusive federal government intruding into every aspect of our lives,” Hannity continued. “People are going to say they’re fed up, and states are going to want more liberty and more freedom. They’re not going to want to tax their citizens to death anymore. If this pattern continues and gets worse and worse and worse, I can see at some point the states saying, ‘Forget it. I don’t want to be a part of this union anymore.’”
As the date grows nearer for everyone to march on their respective Capitols and the voices of free men and women are being heard across America, I see the Gov't pulling back a little every day. Yesterday I read three articles that said BHO is ready to pull the AWB off the table and that Biden is going to be relieved of his position in that "Task Force" he had set up. Talks are now leaning away from our guns, our magazines and our ammunition and heading towards more talks about strengthening our Background Checks and keeping the mentally ill away from firearms.

We, The Firearms and Sporting Communities, Business' and Owners, Elected Officials and Free People of this Country, have ALL come together over the past couple of weeks, we have engaged in heated debates, made agreements and pledges about and for the 2nd Amendment, We made it an effort to make our voices LOUD and CLEAR and it seems that we have been heard. The battle isn't quite over just yet, but we are slowly coming into the lead!

If asked about a 2nd Revolution or Civil War 2 or 3 weeks ago, I would have said... "Oh my God, yes, we are certainly headed towards a another Civil War!" But we have pulled together and made our voices one, we have helped each other get information out and to spread the word! With all of this I think the Government and other anti-gun groups have seen our true vast numbers, and who really is a part of the Free America who own and support firearms rights. Not just Coal Miners, Farmers, Railroaders, Carpenters, Secretaries, Police Officers and Current or Ex-Military but Doctors, Scientists, CEO's, Lawyers, Judges and millions of other people with different jobs, stances and opinions.

If we keep up the good work and don't back down, We will see the results fall in our favor!
(Okay my Rant is done :lol: )
Tuesday is going to be a day to pay attention to every news outlet! There is going to be a lot of stuff going around and a lot of reports to take in. Wednesday may even be a better day because everyone SHOULD have their story straight... What do you think?
if by everyone you mean the media, then no....they will never have the story straight.
I said their "story" not the facts ;) haha
Guns Across America has an interview with NBC tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10 to reflect on Biden's ideas.
Dude, they couldn’t count their nuts and come up with the same number twice
haha I am being optimistic too... tough crowd today.. geesh :lol:

(If you haven't seen or heard yet, Walmart's (Distributor) HQ has crippled and is no longer accepting new ammunition orders from any of its stores across America until there is an agreement reached on what is going to happen with firearms.) <--- Not to Change the Topic of this Conversation
Dude, they couldn’t count their nuts and come up with the same number twice

They have nuts?...I thought they turned them in when they went to propaganda writing school.
takes big balls to tell that many lies and still show your face ....or is it what they dont tell you ? either way, I know rattlesnakes I trust more