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I swear there is more than a few who have...."IT"....for brains

Check out Nasa's website:


Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available.
We sincerely regret this inconvenience.

For information about available government services, visit USA.gov.


Este sitio web no se está disponible durante el cierre del Gobierno.
Lamentamos profundamente las molestias que esto pueda causar.

Visite GobiernoUSA.gov para informarse sobre los servicios gubernamentales disponibles durante el cierre del Gobierno.

Do you want to know what's ironic?

The server is still running in order to provide that message so they're really not offline at all.

Just not letting anyone access the site.
Yup, that's a load of horse schidt.

They're workin overtime to make this whole thing as painful and as visible as possible...
I reckon Harry Reid just forgot his Oath of Office.
Reid: 'We Support the Federal government. That's Our Job. That's What We Do.' http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... Government .

Hey Harry, just a reminder;

Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/his ... Office.htm

I don't see anything in there about supporting the Federal Government.
If everyone is going to be paid retroactively when the gov starts up again and only 18% of the gov is shut down then what's the point aside from political posturing to instill fear and discomfort into the lives of Americans?

From what I've been hearing the shutdown actually costs us more as the gov will pay for people to go back home and then return when the gov starts running again.
I'm not being a smart aleck MikeD because you are correct, it is going to cost more, but when do you remember Gov't ever use common sense, or logical thought processes that aren't self serving?

That's a really big part of the problem right there.
John A. said:
I'm not being a smart aleck MikeD because you are correct, it is going to cost more, but when do you remember Gov't ever use common sense, or logical thought processes that aren't self serving?

That's a really big part of the problem right there.

No worries, I know you're a straight shooter John. I'm just getting more jaded. I'm learning to read more and more between the lines and through the media spin.

In some ways it was much easier when I just took everything as it was fed to me, the reality of what's going on is worse than the manufactured crisis of the day that the media keeps selling.

I'm still trying to figure out of they are becoming more self serving or if I'm just becoming more aware of it as I get older. Probably a bit of both.
I wish that the citizens of the US would understand that making people angry is the foundation of Obama's agenda. Anything and everything that makes folks angry furthers his plan to "fundamentally transform" America. He wants a insurrection/revolt, and the sooner and more violent the better, in his opinion. And he has many Democrats in Congress, his Cabinet, and elsewhere who are on board with that, because they think they can create a "better" country from the ashes of the old. By "better", they mean a country that fits their Utopian ideology of an all powerful state run by those with the same ideology who might survive such a conflict. These people who are aligned with Obama on this are also willing to make themselves "martyrs for the cause". No so different than the suicide bombers of radical Islam, except they don't expect 72 virgins.

I know this sounds more than a little out there, but it's the only explanation that fits the facts.
GunnyGene said:
What was meant to be a final gathering of heroes Tuesday instead became a final victory for dozens of World War II combat vets who refused to let the government's budget battle block a visit to their memorial in the nation's capital.With bagpipers playing "Amazing Grace," nearly 200 veterans from Mississippi and Iowa swept past barricades and security guards at the World War II Memorial in Washington in order to keep a commitment to visit the site, which was closed today due to the partial government shutdown. The veterans, in their 80s and 90s, were accompanied by Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-Miss., a former Marine who earlier vowed not to let the National Park Police keep them from a planned visit to the open-air monument.http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/01/gr ... eir-honor/

Some government d-bag sent extra guards to the WWII Memorial to keep this from happening again. Nobody shows up der leader when he wants to punish his subjects. I'll bet the ol' boys could clear them right out if they pulled Garand's and fixed bayonets! ;)

Edit - More guards at the WWII Memorial than at Benghazi!?!? Again I ask, who is their enemy?
At the World War II Memorial on The Mall in Washington, where veterans have been staging protests to keep it open, Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering reports that at least seven officials were dispatched Wednesday morning to set up a ring of barricades to block tourists from the memorial. That is two more than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador.
carbinemike said:
GunnyGene said:
What was meant to be a final gathering of heroes Tuesday instead became a final victory for dozens of World War II combat vets who refused to let the government's budget battle block a visit to their memorial in the nation's capital.With bagpipers playing "Amazing Grace," nearly 200 veterans from Mississippi and Iowa swept past barricades and security guards at the World War II Memorial in Washington in order to keep a commitment to visit the site, which was closed today due to the partial government shutdown. The veterans, in their 80s and 90s, were accompanied by Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-Miss., a former Marine who earlier vowed not to let the National Park Police keep them from a planned visit to the open-air monument.http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/01/gr ... eir-honor/

Some government d-bag sent extra guards to the WWII Memorial to keep this from happening again. Nobody shows up der leader when he wants to punish his subjects.

Edit - More guards at the WWII Memorial than at Benghazi!?!? Again I ask, who is their enemy?
At the World War II Memorial on The Mall in Washington, where veterans have been staging protests to keep it open, Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering reports that at least seven officials were dispatched Wednesday morning to set up a ring of barricades to block tourists from the memorial. That is two more than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador.

Symbols are powerful things. This will come back to bite Obama and the progressives. There are several more Honor Flights scheduled this month. I wonder if the same thing is happening at the Wall or the Marine Corps Memorial? Neither of which are enclosed.
It dawned on me that as most of the IRS is furloughed, we should do our part to help them out and withhold sending in taxes. :lol: It's the least we could do. I'd have that next gun purchase money in no time.
I am fairly certain they will ultimately get back pay. Just my opinion....

Sent from my SGH-I747M
Hmmm...military post grocery stores closed and Barry's golf course open. Don't tell me they aren't squeezing the peons to get them on the Republicans to fold.

Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.
I am not shocked.

Prez likes his golfin'.
carbinemike said:
Hmmm...military post grocery stores closed and Barry's golf course open. Don't tell me they aren't squeezing the peons to get them on the Republicans to fold.

Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.

Just to clarify, this effects all US Commissaries, not just Army, and includes those in Hawaii and Alaska. It does not impact the Post/Base Exchanges ( military version of a Dept. Store) or the on-base liquor stores, since they are not funded from appropriations. So booze and tobacco is still available, along with diapers, and other assorted stuff.

To your point about Barry's golfing, I keep telling folks that pissing off as many people as possible is Obama's goal. But nobody listens to me. :roll: ;)

Btw, the re-enlistment bonuses promised to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are on hold until the shutdown ends. http://www.militarytimes.com/article/20 ... s-payments . So yet another group (this one with some serious hardware) is rapidly getting more pissed by the minute.
This truly isn't funny at all.

And in all sincerity is downright shameful.

If the money was budgeted for the 2013 year then where did the money go?

$134 million was budgeted for SRBs fiscal 2013


“We certainly regret the inconvenience and hardship that the shutdown has caused our sailors, civilians and families,” said Lt. Cmdr. Chris Servello, spokesman for the chief of naval personnel. “Navy personnel authorities are working closely with Defense Department pay officials to determine when missed or delayed payments will be made — all owed monies will be paid when funds become available. We appreciate the continued patience.”

That letter would make me madder than just not getting paid on time. It sounds more like they're writing a "gone fishing" sign to hang on the door of Floyd's Barber Shop.
Yeah, our commissary is shutting down tomorrow... although as far as I know the exchange will be shutting down as well. Not so dramatic for us since we do have a Safeway... But I can imagine the hardship this puts on families overseas!
John A. said:
This truly isn't funny at all.

And in all sincerity is downright shameful.

If the money was budgeted for the 2013 year then where did the money go?

$134 million was budgeted for SRBs fiscal 2013


“We certainly regret the inconvenience and hardship that the shutdown has caused our sailors, civilians and families,” said Lt. Cmdr. Chris Servello, spokesman for the chief of naval personnel. “Navy personnel authorities are working closely with Defense Department pay officials to determine when missed or delayed payments will be made — all owed monies will be paid when funds become available. We appreciate the continued patience.”

That letter would make me madder than just not getting paid on time. It sounds more like they're writing a "gone fishing" sign to hang on the door of Floyd's Barber Shop.

One of the basic lessons of military leadership is: "Take care of your troops, and they'll take care of you." If you don't, you stand a good chance of getting fragged - literally or figuratively.

Since Obama has no clue what leadership is all about, I doubt he is even aware of the above. His concept of leadership is campaign speeches and organizing street riots for more freebies for freeloaders.
GunnyGene said:
Since Obama has no clue what leadership is all about, I doubt he is even aware of the above. His concept of leadership is campaign screeches and organizing street riots for more freebies for freeloaders.

Now won't you tell us what you really mean.

BTW, I fixed a word for you since that describes the sound in better detail.

At least since I didn't know how to coherently write "UH" every third or fourth word.
aksavanaman said:
Yeah, our commissary is shutting down tomorrow... although as far as I know the exchange will be shutting down as well. Not so dramatic for us since we do have a Safeway... But I can imagine the hardship this puts on families overseas!

Overseas commissaries will remain open (per DoD) in foreign countries.

That said, if a wife/husband is serving overseas, the stateside spouse will be impacted by not having ready access to groceries on-base. This can be a significant financial hit, as the nearest civilian grocery could be a much longer trip, and prices would be up to 10% or more higher, due to sales taxes, etc.

For example; in my situation, the base commissary is about 10 miles closer (one way) than the next closest civilian grocery. With gas at over $3/gallon that can add up, plus there's a 8% sales tax in town. I'm in a better financial position to cope with this than many other active and retired military, but it's still going to show up in our budget.