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So.....Paul Ryan it is....

Well I could see it coming. It's not a surprise on his choice. I feel others would have been better, I just can't stop thinking that we are doomed. :cry: How do you feel?
Rossignol said:
Doomed with Paul Ryan?

Yes, Mitt isn't the greatest but he is all we have, and Ryan’s voting record includes votes for the TARP bailouts, the auto bailouts, Bush Medicare act, No Child Left Behind, the 2008 stimulus package, and the $192B 2009 stimulus package. It's seems the more I find out about him, the more Iam let down. I thought he was a Fiscal conservative. I don't know man, I am just getting depressed already for November. Talk some sense into me :cry:
These are things I hadnt seen that before K-Dub. I had thought of him as a fiscal conservative too.

Has his record been more conservative over the last few years?
I just looked 2011-present votes have been good. I know he is great on gun rights. More so than Mitt. NRA gave him an A on gun issues.
I really like Paul Ryan but thought one of the others would be picked. Picking Ryan will help make the budget and economy a part of the debate, something B. Hussein Obama wants to avoid at all cost. He'd certainly a better VP than Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden. I had thought he'd pick Condi Rice or General Petreus.

I have had a feeling of doom lately but it's more that Obama will win again. A lot of people are liking the spreading of the wealth. 50% of the country pays no federal tax anymore. Food stamp use is through the roof. People are dropping off unemployment and going right onto disability. Unions have a friend in the White House. 40 million or so will get health care that the working people will have to cover. Will these people vote for what will help the country or for what will help them personally?

Lastly, I have not been happy with some of the Republicans that are suppose to be fiscal conservatives. I didn't like Bill Clinton at all but he did leave the economy and budget in decent shape for Bush. After Bush took office and the Republicans controlled the house they immediately started up deficit spending again and that was before 9/11 and the wars.
I didn't know all of that about Ryan either.

Mit wasn't my first choice and neither was Ryan but that is what we got so I hope that it's enough to win. I really don't like the alternative.
I'm hopeful that this election will be like a recall election of BHO. I'm hopeful that with a new president, even if not my first choice, some of the damage will begin to be reversed.

What Romney has said he will do is good enough for me, and as you mentioned K-Dub, Ryans voting record has taken a shift for the more conservative over the last year.

But as CB has said, right around 50% of the country doesnt pay taxes and is on welfare or govt. assistance of some sort. There arent a ton of people who will vote away their "free" stuff.
Stand by them, just go for the positives. Don't dwell on the negatives. Just vote and know they will win and tell everyone else to vote and they will win.

Oh No, No "O"!!!! ABO!!!! ABO!!!!

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I really don't like the alternative.
I think this sums up a lot of people. My hope is that enough independents, young people and center leaning democrats will realize they were sold a bill of goods 4 years ago that he can be defeated. Obama will have trouble drumming up the "hope and change" b.s. from four years ago now that he's not considered an outsider.
carbinemike said:
Obama will have trouble drumming up the "hope and change" b.s. from four years ago now that he's not considered an outsider.

Don't underestimate the power of the sheeple. Many people only believe what they see on the MSM and think anything else is a lie.
Good point MikeD. I have fought this in my own family with my brother. He doesn't want to hear that most news is biased and should be checked and taken with a grain of salt. He seems to think only Fox News can't be trusted. The other day he used the term "1 percenter" to describe Romney. Uggh. I didn't get an answer to how BHO became a 1 percenter and never held a real job.

I think the sheeple that will still be up for more hope and change hype are going to vote for Obama no matter what. I'm still hoping for middle of the road types to switch back because I don't know that Romney can win if they don't.

My new campaign slogan is "Don't go Barrackward".
I think Paul Ryan is probably a great candidate to be the next vice president. From what I've read, I probably agree with most of his goals. However, I'm deeply disappointed that he was selected. I don't think the Republican ticket can win with him. Here's why I think so.

At this point, the only voters worth pandering to are the "undecideds". And at this point, the only undecideds are folks who either live in a cave or simply refuse to get involved in politics whatsoever. I see no other way that they could not have made up their minds by now. There has just been too much data out about both candidates for much "thinking" left to be done.

So what WILL determine how these undecideds vote? It'll be something truly dumb. Perhaps, it will be the last campaign poster they look at, on the way into their polling place. Maybe, it'll be the simple fact they can just remember one of their names. DEFINITELY, it could be because one of them has some ethnic similarity to themselves. Some similarity that they have never been given a choice of before. They aren't gonna be moved by (to them) just another middle aged white guy.

And if you think I'm being too hard on the average undecided voter, remember this. 41% of Americans don't even know who the CURRENT vice president is. Take care. Tom Worthington
I think the Republican Party just broke it's own back and I'll be lucky to see another Republican President in my life time.

The Primaries being over. I changed my Party affiliation to Libertarian yesterday. Not the Libertarianism of Buchanan or the Paul's mind you, but the Libertarianism that,s tired of watching the Republicans draw all the wrong conclusions about their political losses. I think it will take this loss and the loss in 2016 to finally get it though the heads of the Evangelicals and the Robber Barons, that the answer to why their not winning elections isn't "Our candidates are losing because they're not extreme enough."

I read something the other day that identified Ryan as the "Intellectual Head of the Republican Party". You have got to be kidding me. William F. Buckley was a Conservative Intellectual. Ryan is a starry eyed, Delt, Frat boy with a copy of Atlas Shrugged and four credit hours of Philosophy.

For you guys that think Ryan's going to knock it out of the park in the Debate against ______ (There's a blank here because I'm not at all sure it will be Biden.) I hate to rain on the general wisdom, but the reason Ryan's done so well up to know is...He's never played at this level. What's Ryan's answer going to be, when his opponent asks about the fact, that when Ryan's Father died. His well to do family collected Social Security Survivors benefits, even though they didn't need them and banked the .Gov checks to pay for Ryan's expensive out of state college education after three years of SSSB? Gee Paul. I guess when it comes to your degree..."You didn't build that."

As many others have said in this thread. I think the Republican's are doomed.
A lot of my family thinks that Ryan wants to do away with social security.

If that is the case, Romney put nails in the coffin and the Repub's will lose, and we're royally screwed because of it.

I'm so tired of having to choose a President based on picking between the lesser of two evils. Why oh why can't they just nominate someone worth a crap for a change?

I'm about to give up on Politics and Government altogether. I've been beat down for so long, I'm like an old chained up dog who's ready to just roll over and give up the ghost.
Which one? There have been three Ryan Path to Prosperity plans. The first two, so extreme that even house Republicans bailed on it both times and Gingrich ( Who is far closer to being a conservative intellectual than Ryan will ever be.) described them as "Right wing social engineering." Before falling back in line and apologizing.
At least Ryan has had a plan.

The cards have been dealt, it's now our call.

Personally I'm going to support Mit and Ryan. I don't see a viable alternative. I'm not going to give my vote to barry by voting a third party who hasn't a shot in hell of winning. I'd love to see a third party candidate win, I just have not seen one that I felt could do it.

I also hate voting the lessor of two evils. But that is what we have before us.
Your right Mike. There is no viable third party candidate. That's why I'm going to vote for Obama. In my opinion the collapse of the American Social order is already inevitable. Rmoney, Ryan, Rand & Reardon aren't going to change that. All we can do now is try to soften the landing. To expound on Gingrich's first assessment of Ryan. I would say that not only is the Ryan plan "Right Wing Social Engineering" but a Right Wing map to an Orwellian Police State as well. Or do you really think we can make those sorts of entitlement cuts in this country without seeing a level of violence not seen since the Civil War?

I sat at a phone bank and made calls for Ronald Reagan and Bush 41. I have never voted for a Democrat in my adult life. I spent the Cold War voting Republican to Save this big, stupid, fat, happy country from nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Soviet's. All the while watching the Evangelicals and the money men slowly take the Party towards fascism. Now I'm 50 and desire nothing more than to die in the freedom envisioned by Franklin. Not the freedom envisioned by Cotton Mather. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to save conservativism is to destroy it, in it's current form.

Luckily, the Republican parties more extreme elements are helping me along quite a bit here, when they get Mien Kampf and Atlas Shrugged confused with one another. In the way that Ryan has.